
Le sens du mot Contumely est: unpleasant behavior or language


The television network felt the show’s dialogue contained contumely that was inappropriate for its young viewers.

published by Signe on 2021-04-01 01:44:06

As the prisoner was dragged out of court, he shouted contumely and made threats against the sentencing judge.

published by Luella on 2022-01-06 23:40:37

The teacher did not appreciate the student speaking to her while using contumely.

published by Camille on 2021-04-28 23:33:19

When I met my ex-husband’s new wife, I treated her to a great deal of contumely because she destroyed my happy life.

published by Brunilda on 2021-05-25 20:42:00

The Christian left the auditorium as soon as she realized the comedy show was an act of contumely and not a humorous tribute to God.

published by Idalia on 2021-11-22 12:35:29

Although my sister is a very nice person, she will speak with contumely when she is angry.

published by Omer on 2021-01-10 02:26:07

It was so unlike the priest to use contumely in his weekly address to the congregation.

published by Hue on 2021-10-22 20:05:54

Even at the neighborhood bar, patrons were disturbed by Rick’s use of contumely to describe his wife.

published by Winona on 2021-08-04 06:50:08

The judge commanded the witness to stop offending the jury with his contumely about the defendant’s sex life.

published by Karlene on 2021-06-27 19:07:49

When my coworker made a contumely about my breast size, I reported him to the school’s human resources department.

published by Karren on 2021-07-19 12:22:02

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