
Le sens du mot Decisively est: in a decisive manner


In the capacity of my assignment the requirements are that I must be able to act decisively, without second guessing my decisions.

published by Fredericka on 2021-06-07 19:35:59

As a trained nurse, I am able to react decisively in emergency situations.

published by Margert on 2021-07-09 13:31:25

Eric will join our team if he is allowed to play decisively, without having to talk over his decisions with the coach.

published by Faith on 2021-09-18 09:54:06

The President requested of Congress to allow him to act decisively on issues pertaining to foreign policy, without having to depend on a vote.

published by Tawanna on 2021-12-29 17:07:06

Matters will remain disoriented unless the king acts decisively, according to the power vested in him.

published by Noma on 2021-02-13 22:38:50

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