
Le sens du mot Deem est: to view in a particular manner


The principal will probably deem the boy’s behavior as upsetting and worthy of a suspension.

published by Reyes on 2021-09-29 13:01:28

Because I am still running a very high temperature, the doctor does not deem me fit to leave the hospital.

published by Emerald on 2021-08-25 18:27:50

The critics will probably deem the moving film as one of the director’s best works.

published by Belva on 2021-06-23 15:56:45

Did you really deem it necessary to respond to the child with such harsh language?

published by Stanley on 2021-07-06 00:37:01

The lack of votes proved the people did not deem the candidate worthy of public office.

published by Robbi on 2021-09-17 21:03:50

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