
Le sens du mot Expulsion est: a circumstance in which an individual or thing is ejected from a position, place, or group


Since Henry hated school, the threat of expulsion did not make him behave.

published by Casie on 2021-11-16 23:09:59

Matt’s stealing has resulted in his expulsion from the company.

published by Lana on 2021-02-07 20:17:34

When the coach found drugs in Keith’s locker, he immediately informed the athlete of his expulsion from the team.

published by Martin on 2021-06-21 04:47:53

Gail’s expulsion from the university occurred after drugs were found in her dorm room.

published by Janett on 2021-12-24 16:08:41

Despite strong efforts, the legislators were unable to get enough votes to sanction the corrupt congressman’s expulsion from office.

published by Marcene on 2021-03-11 21:26:57

According to school policy, any medical student caught cheating will suffer the consequence of expulsion.

published by Bobby on 2021-08-21 17:53:45

Because Mitch knows his father dislikes the gay community, he fears expulsion when he reveals his homosexuality.

published by Andreas on 2021-11-14 09:52:05

The boy knew if he snitched on his classmate he would have to deal with expulsion from his social circle.

published by Philomena on 2021-10-23 14:59:09

If Harold is found guilty of embezzlement, not only will he face expulsion from the company he founded but also jail time.

published by Hortense on 2021-05-11 18:32:21

Jack’s expulsion from the law firm was brought on by his unwillingness to enter rehab for his drinking problem.

published by Mee on 2021-09-23 08:28:25

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