
Le sens du mot Greed est: the desire to have more than what one needs


The gator’s greed showed as he ferociously devoured a second piece of prey.

published by Sixta on 2021-05-04 14:50:54

Greed led the selfish man to steal money from his employer.

published by Chas on 2021-07-29 04:00:38

Although he had eaten plenty of food, greed made the gluttonous man go back for thirds.

published by Christia on 2021-12-05 10:59:29

Greed caused the once selfless woman to think of nothing but money.

published by Kathryn on 2021-07-24 23:51:44

The reward meant nothing to the man since he was consumed by endless greed.

published by Cecily on 2021-05-10 09:16:46

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