
Le sens du mot Harmonize est: to sing or play musical notes that flow together in a pleasing way


The vocalists began to harmonize their beautiful voices and wowed the crowd with their agreement.

published by Crystle on 2021-12-22 07:37:51

One of the strengths of the quartet is that they could harmonize all four voices with perfect pitch.

published by Regenia on 2021-04-21 22:31:21

Singing on one accord, the girls began to harmonize during their impromptu karaoke performance.

published by Carma on 2021-05-09 15:36:35

No matter how hard they tried, the three singers could not harmonize their voices in a way that sounded pleasing.

published by Lissa on 2021-05-11 23:39:32

Group members usually harmonize their voices during ballads where synchronization is needed.

published by Celestina on 2021-07-23 19:38:23

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