
Le sens du mot Hypnosis est: a trancelike state of altered consciousness in which a person is more susceptible to suggestions


Placing the patient into a state of hypnosis, the doctor was able to offer suggestions that would help him quit smoking.

published by Eleonore on 2021-04-22 19:41:18

The man was skeptical about attending a hypnosis seminar, mostly out of fear of being made to bark like a dog while he was spellbound.

published by Beckie on 2021-04-25 01:21:59

Deep in a state of hypnosis, the woman’s voluntary commands were halted and her subconscious took over.

published by Corina on 2021-03-10 09:20:17

Being given suggestions while in a trancelike state through hypnosis, helped the overweight woman stop over eating.

published by Terrie on 2021-04-22 11:53:58

The initial hypnosis session centered on the client being placed in a deep state of relaxation.

published by Ellen on 2021-07-15 14:52:00

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