
Le sens du mot Maroon est: a dark reddish-tan color


Since the young man knew nothing about fashion, he wore his maroon shirt with a lighter red pair of pants.

published by Odis on 2021-11-19 23:51:06

The Dalai Lama will frequently wear a maroon robe due to the devotion to the earth represented by its clay color.

published by Deena on 2021-08-04 03:38:39

The painter was deciding whether to paint the room with a maroon hue or to use a lighter rosy-brown paint.

published by Tiffanie on 2021-02-11 07:54:31

As the artist began to mix scarlet with sienna, she spread the maroon color on her canvas for the farmer’s barn.

published by Rachael on 2022-01-03 02:27:16

When the maroon mascot began to bounce across the football field, the fans realized it was a rosy-brown bear.

published by Kandice on 2021-03-02 00:12:20

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