
Le sens du mot Mast est: a tall post attached to a ship that holds sails


The mast had a sail attached and was used to guide the boat.

published by Renaldo on 2021-06-18 21:54:49

Flapping in the wind, the sails on the mast helped direct the boat to its destination.

published by Margareta on 2021-09-13 14:03:58

One of the crew member’s was tied to the ships mast and he remained on the pole until it docked.

published by Veta on 2021-02-10 09:29:41

Sails were raised on the mast, inching up and up the pole until they reached the boat’s peak.

published by Elida on 2021-07-22 02:43:14

Flags are being flown half way up the mast to show respect to the fallen.

published by Liane on 2021-07-17 05:15:36

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