
Le sens du mot Mutilate est: to permanently disfigure something, usually by cutting or removing parts


It is hard to believe that parents in some cultures mutilate their daughter’s genitals through religious-based surgeries.

published by Annika on 2021-01-17 16:30:58

The killer coldly chose to mutilate and disfigure his victim’s body before taking her life.

published by Louise on 2021-09-26 19:02:14

Invaders went to great lengths to mutilate the beautiful paintings on the temple walls, permanently destroying the displays.

published by Lorrie on 2021-05-19 22:15:13

The girl wanted to pierce her ears but her old-fashioned grandmother refused to let her mutilate herself, even with a tiny hole.

published by Dennise on 2021-11-25 10:32:33

The up-and-coming band thought they performed a great cover of the song, but the original performer would cringe if they heard them mutilate and maim the classic.

published by Cheryle on 2021-06-24 14:41:36

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