
Le sens du mot Phosphate est: a fizzy drink containing water, sweet liquid and an acid


In the mid-1900s, many customers would order phosphate sodas because they wanted a bubbly drink.

published by Samantha on 2021-11-24 01:45:33

A soda jerk recommended the phosphate beverage to the young boy because its strong orange flavor would complement the meal.

published by Marvin on 2021-02-02 05:07:55

Since the factory produces phosphate drinks, the process included carbonating the liquid before pouring it into separate bottles.

published by Kandis on 2021-06-14 22:19:28

Kids grabbed the phosphate sodas from the refrigerator in the convenient store because it was such a hot summer day.

published by Chad on 2021-05-28 14:15:20

After the child shook the phosphate beverage, the carbonation caused the drink to spew out the top when it was opened.

published by Earl on 2021-02-04 03:25:49

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