
Le sens du mot Premeditated est: planned in advance


Since Mary planned her husband’s death in advance, she was charged with premeditated murder.

published by Evette on 2021-05-21 01:17:34

The politician came up with his premeditated campaign to destroy his rival over a year ago.

published by Karen on 2021-05-15 12:52:55

Unfortunately, the attack was premeditated and did not occur on the spur-of-the-moment.

published by Rena on 2021-10-19 01:44:02

The killer admitted his premeditated plan to kill the president had taken over a year to develop.

published by Cami on 2021-07-03 06:21:51

Although the suspect swore the assault was not premeditated, the police believed the man had been plotting the crime for a long time.

published by Melissa on 2021-10-15 22:37:21

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