
Le sens du mot Preposterous est: contrary to nature, reason, or common sense


His idea of selling dead bugs for big money is totally preposterous!

published by Annalee on 2021-09-14 15:36:08

Even though the plan sounds preposterous, I think it can be done.

published by Collene on 2021-03-28 21:20:23

The new laws are preposterous and will not solve the real crime issue.

published by Kemberly on 2021-01-25 12:07:36

Although you are a fast runner, it is preposterous to think you can catch that car on foot.

published by Jesica on 2021-07-02 14:52:33

Anyone who drives under the influence is behaving in a preposterous manner.

published by Lizzette on 2021-03-25 12:03:35

While everyone knew Ellen had some unusual habits, her preposterous claim of being an alien really concerned some people.

published by Gwenda on 2021-08-11 00:39:13

The movie’s preposterous ending included a six-year-old serial killer who got rid of people by giving them poisoned candy.

published by Nicolasa on 2021-11-25 03:22:00

Although I normally adore John Smith’s novels, I am turned off by the preposterous storyline of the author’s latest book.

published by Angila on 2021-01-17 06:38:30

It is preposterous to assume you can pass a college entrance test without studying.

published by Rhona on 2021-11-09 22:01:27

If you believe that preposterous story, then you are sure to believe my story about the dog that gave birth to a peacock.

published by Libbie on 2021-12-25 00:31:32

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