
Le sens du mot Proprioception est: the body’s unconscious ability to sense the position and location and movement of the body and its parts


Proprioception allows a person to know where their leg is positioned, even when their eyes are closed.

published by Rolf on 2021-04-01 03:14:45

Proprioception is an important ability as it allows the body to know how it is positioned without needing the sense of sight.

published by Ginette on 2021-10-03 06:53:16

Researching proprioception, scientists have discovered that the muscle tension is sensed by the Golgi tendon organelles.

published by Maritza on 2021-03-26 12:57:06

Because of her body’s proprioception, the blindfolded woman could sense where she was even in the dark.

published by Wonda on 2021-07-28 14:01:56

Severe alcohol poisoning affected the drunk’s proprioception and he was unable to move his body in sync.

published by Edna on 2021-05-27 07:34:16

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