Set Forth

Le sens du mot Set Forth est: to begin a trip or journey


The heroes would set forth for the lands beyond their realm as soon as they had gathered the supplies they would need.

published by Lenny on 2021-03-19 22:01:19

After I typed in the coordinates of my destination into my GPS, I was ready to set forth on my adventure into the relative unknown.

published by Cheryll on 2021-12-09 12:12:40

In the days before GPS existed, a family would have to rely on a good old fashioned map to set forth on any drive across the country.

published by Viki on 2021-06-26 23:34:28

Having received a command from the king, the knight Sir Roland set forth on his quest to rescue the princess from her prison.

published by Raisa on 2021-08-12 13:22:47

I will need directions to the place I am going before I can set forth and make my way there.

published by Errol on 2021-10-21 06:11:40

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