
Le sens du mot Sexism est: gender discrimination and prejudice


Unfortunately, sexism and other forms of discrimination towards women are still very common in the twenty first century.

published by Norman on 2021-01-23 19:23:07

The assumption that men are better doctors and lawyers is an example of sexism.

published by Geri on 2021-11-29 23:53:58

Looking at the documents, questions were raised about sexism since only men were getting promotions instead of women.

published by Chasity on 2021-10-03 20:31:49

The sexism she faced at work was related to the “barefoot and pregnant” wording in the company’s maternity leave policy.

published by Stephen on 2021-09-03 11:36:50

Assuming the woman’s place is at home cooking and cleaning instead of working is a prime example of sexism.

published by Marhta on 2021-05-31 07:08:35

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