
Le sens du mot Site est: a place where a specific event has occurred


Stalingrad is the site of one of the most heated battles of World War Two’s eastern front, with massive casualties for both the Germans and the Russians.

published by Waltraud on 2021-11-07 14:08:45

Alamogordo, New Mexico is the site of the very first nuclear detonation, a bomb that was dubbed ‘Trinity’ by the scientists of the Manhattan Project.

published by Kim on 2021-06-09 21:11:48

Most historians are confused as to what the purpose of Stonehenge was, as the only thing that is obvious is that it was a site for something important.

published by Miyoko on 2021-03-01 22:33:43

That massive expanse of dirt is the site of a new construction project, where Amazon is going to build a new large warehouse for their company.

published by Luetta on 2021-12-10 07:24:14

Nagisaki and Hiroshima are both the site of a nuclear detonation, the first and only times when atom bombs were used in combat.

published by Hilario on 2021-12-29 18:01:53

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