
Le sens du mot Slander est: to make a statement that cannot be proven in order to injure someone’s reputation


To win the election for homecoming queen, Jill resorted to slander to ruin her competitors’ reputations.

published by Micah on 2021-06-13 05:51:27

The magazine is known for its habit of creating false articles that slander celebrities in order to increase sales.

published by Christeen on 2021-10-31 15:34:24

Because Gail wanted Heather’s job, she tried to slander her at work by spreading rumors about Heather’s past drug issues.

published by Ladonna on 2021-05-28 05:13:50

The politician’s attempts to slander his rival with lies backfired and cost him the election.

published by Gregory on 2021-03-09 04:09:19

When the singer heard the reporter made a false claim about her on the news, she asked her lawyer to sue the network for slander.

published by Rocco on 2021-12-25 11:35:54

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