
Le sens du mot Squall est: to cry or wail loudly


I left the house because the squall of our new born baby was grating on my nerves.

published by Mervin on 2021-04-22 01:22:00

The baby jumped up and let out a delightful squall when her mother walked into her room.

published by Jerry on 2021-07-12 16:40:47

Michael throws back his head and makes this childlike squall whenever he gets excited about something.

published by Karisa on 2021-08-24 14:52:45

Letting out a loud squall, the pirate swung his sword violently in every direction, terrifying his prisoners.

published by Ray on 2021-12-29 19:15:08

The fat man with the yellow hat started to squall like a baby while waving his hands, creating a funny spectacle.

published by Vannessa on 2021-09-16 11:25:18

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