
Le sens du mot Stability est: a state of security and firmness


A building needs a foundation with enough stability to support its weight.

published by Eugena on 2021-11-13 08:57:59

If you have enough money to pay all of your bills you have financial stability.

published by Ella on 2021-12-29 05:47:42

If your life is routine and doesn’t change often, you experience stability every day.

published by Teri on 2021-12-27 09:21:14

Standing on one leg for a long time requires a lot of stability.

published by Margy on 2021-02-06 14:39:22

It’s easy to slip on ice because you don’t have a lot of stability there.

published by Katherina on 2021-12-12 19:57:20

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