
Le sens du mot Taxon est: a group or rank in biology such as a species or family


Giraffes are of a small biological taxon that only includes four distinct species.

published by Janelle on 2021-10-13 22:18:00

There are over 350,000 types of beetles, making this taxon one of the biggest animal families.

published by Jeanene on 2022-01-07 16:38:43

It can take years for a biological group or taxon to receive a name from a scientist.

published by Germaine on 2021-03-12 23:10:43

Just like a species, a genus is a taxon that separates and ranks different animal groups.

published by Leota on 2021-05-27 07:08:23

With animal classification, tigers are in a different taxon than the group house cats are included in.

published by Ami on 2021-11-12 02:07:07

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