
Le sens du mot Timidity est: the act of shyness


With his head down and barely speaking, the timidity of man shown when he was approached by the manager of the store.

published by Priscilla on 2021-04-01 15:35:30

Timidity lies within many young children because they are scared and unsure what to say to a person they don’t know.

published by Yelena on 2021-07-01 20:38:59

Timidity arose in the young single man as he entered a large room where he didn’t know any of the couples there.

published by Audra on 2021-08-20 13:46:52

As many people who give a speech, they may show timidity at that point even if they may be an outgoing person.

published by Bettyann on 2021-06-30 18:15:25

In class, many times the teacher may call on students who are displaying timidity because they do not volunteer answers or like to draw attention to themselves.

published by Rosalba on 2021-06-08 12:35:45

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