
Le sens du mot Unredressed est: refers to a wrong or injustice that has not been righted


The girl’s unredressed murder still bothers her family since the killer has never been caught.

published by Ada on 2021-06-24 12:46:51

The bill is still unredressed and the company is yet to pay the builder for finishing his home.

published by Maribel on 2021-07-14 17:22:03

Several unredressed tragedies have happened in the city with no one being held responsible.

published by Mia on 2021-01-11 14:20:48

The unredressed injustice was ignored by most news outlets, with no one seeming to care about what went wrong.

published by Chantay on 2021-02-04 16:13:57

Our new mayor has promised to right the unredressed error and finally give the homeowner the money she is owed.

published by Jayna on 2021-05-20 04:02:59

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