
Le sens du mot Analyze est: to review thoroughly and in a logical manner


The psychiatrist will analyze the patient’s behaviors and thoughts in order to diagnose the condition.

published by Darcel on 2021-09-30 04:26:42

Because an accountant is coming to analyze our financial records, we need to make sure we have our files available.

published by Sondra on 2021-10-15 01:03:52

Hurricane trackers analyze weather patterns to identify conditions that trigger the storms.

published by Rae on 2021-04-17 19:52:51

Since my cable has stopped working, a technician is being sent to my home to analyze the problem.

published by Pamula on 2021-07-17 07:10:10

My husband will analyze every line of the contract before he signs his name.

published by Bridget on 2021-10-26 18:57:47

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