
Le sens du mot Humorous est: funny; amusing


The humorous video went viral after a few million-people found the dancing cat to be funny enough to share.

published by Gennie on 2021-07-10 02:16:02

At the comedy show, my wife thought the act was humorous but I didn’t find it funny at all.

published by Edmond on 2021-12-11 14:33:02

The author liked to write humorous stories that would keep her readers laughing as they flipped the pages.

published by Andera on 2021-09-01 04:57:31

Humorous Happy Birthday cards kept the kids laughing and entertained in the store while I did my shopping.

published by Chiquita on 2021-10-06 17:23:16

With a crying laugh, Mia cackled hysterically at the humorous meme her sister sent to her cell phone.

published by Charity on 2021-01-09 02:40:36

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