
Le sens du mot Illustrate est: provide with pictures


Once the preschool book was written, the artist was hired to carefully illustrate the book with a picture on every page.

published by Guadalupe on 2021-03-03 19:37:52

Three mischievous teens decided to illustrate graffiti on the wall with both large colorful pictures and big block words.

published by Chana on 2021-04-02 04:26:58

My grandmother enjoyed receiving my cards when I would illustrate the outside of it with colorful flowers and hand drawn landscape scenes.

published by Carlotta on 2021-07-23 05:02:57

Due to extreme boredom in math class, I figured I would illustrate my entire notebook with scenes from my weekend.

published by Ranee on 2021-02-16 22:49:17

When the editor of the children’s magazine asked his employees to illustrate each activity, they quickly drew quick cartoon pictures.

published by Karine on 2021-08-24 16:31:29

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