
Le sens du mot Introduction est: a situation in which someone or something is brought in or used for the first time


The introduction of the teen’s new boyfriend to her parents didn’t go very well.

published by Berna on 2021-11-24 05:37:02

Many tax payers were angered by the introduction of the new bill to raise their rates.

published by Oleta on 2021-10-21 02:06:55

Introduction of drugs into already poor areas in the 1980s has increased crime and homelessness.

published by Minh on 2021-10-16 11:31:14

Waiting for an introduction to the crowd, the keynote speaker stood to the side of the stage.

published by Romana on 2021-11-11 10:04:19

The surgeon gave a brief introduction of his nurses to the new patient before taking more about the procedure.

published by Loria on 2021-11-11 14:07:18

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