
Le sens du mot Issue est: to deliver or give out


No one was at the office to issue my driver’s license, so I will have to wait until tomorrow to pick it up.

published by Criselda on 2021-04-11 16:54:53

The police officer did not issue a ticket, but gave the driver a warning instead.

published by Kerrie on 2021-12-01 07:57:48

The company decided to issue each worker a new pair of boots, but required to pay for them through their check.

published by Olinda on 2021-01-29 13:08:05

As a way to attract new students, the school offered to issue a new laptop computer to ever one who enrolled.

published by Karyl on 2021-09-08 07:07:56

The president’s team will issue a statement about the newest bombing on the five o’clock news.

published by Kattie on 2021-02-25 22:02:57

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