
Le sens du mot Obituary est: a notice of death that provides background information about the deceased


The lone obituary was mistakenly listed in the paper under job postings instead of death notices.

published by Marlo on 2021-05-03 08:29:10

As death drew near, the cancer patient insisted that she wanted to write the obituary that would be posted after her passing.

published by Shaun on 2021-02-03 11:09:59

It wasn’t until writing her husband’s obituary that the new widow really accepted his passing.

published by Tawanna on 2021-03-13 07:37:35

Writing her father’s obituary notice was a way for the grieving daughter to get closure and celebrate his life.

published by Forest on 2021-08-20 14:51:26

Summarizing his amazing life, Muhammed Ali’s obituary was plastered in newspapers around the country.

published by Matthew on 2021-11-25 20:55:07

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