
Le sens du mot Occult est: relating to magical or supernatural abilities


The occult show about a group of teenage witches living together is one of the highest rated shows on television.

published by Gidget on 2021-12-11 17:10:32

Although the pretend psychic has no occult powers, she leads people to believe she does.

published by Ayesha on 2021-06-25 22:02:30

It is said that on Halloween night all the occult creatures walk the Earth.

published by Eugena on 2021-12-07 12:31:24

Can you believe Sarah is going to take the occult arts class so she can learn how to torture her ex-husband from a distance?

published by Elvis on 2021-07-30 23:24:58

Even though I try, I cannot get into the occult novels that deal with vampires and werewolves.

published by Emelia on 2021-12-04 07:42:29

Jake’s occult mask is probably going to scare most of the guests at the costume party.

published by Halley on 2021-12-22 16:10:17

Surprisingly, the nonfiction author is writing a novel that centers on an old man who engages in occult science to bring his wife back from the dead.

published by Georgeann on 2021-07-25 22:01:00

As soon as I learned the occult ritual involved killing a rabbit, I knew I wanted no part of the family’s annual tradition.

published by Lessie on 2021-08-09 20:05:45

Mary’s occult shop contains a variety of spell books, herbs, and magical cards and crystals.

published by Lili on 2021-12-18 19:38:56

On the television show, the two main characters use occult terminology to vanquish demons.

published by Minda on 2021-06-23 16:05:46

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