
Le sens du mot Partake est: to take part in an activity; to participate


I will not partake of your party because it attracts a lot of criminals.

published by Marian on 2021-07-31 16:32:42

Once night fell, we all drove into town, to partake of the late night festivities.

published by Willa on 2021-02-01 17:11:30

I could not figure out how to partake in the hunting adventure without the risk of getting bitten by a bear.

published by Estrella on 2021-06-22 23:41:23

It was so offensive of Bella to refuse to partake of my hospitality, claiming that she had other friends to visit.

published by Kellye on 2021-01-21 14:14:46

How socially awkward of Harry to partake in the school dinner dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.

published by Tracy on 2021-03-19 09:23:43

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