
Le sens du mot Quibble est: to quarrel about minor matters


It is normal for married couples to quibble over small things like who controls the television remote.

published by Tawnya on 2022-01-01 08:16:07

Whenever the two historians meet, they quibble over historical facts before drinking a pitcher of beer.

published by Clint on 2021-06-17 06:16:43

We should not quibble over a small detail like borrowed money before your surgery.

published by Nona on 2021-12-18 21:55:28

When my ex-husband and I are together, all we do is quibble over the lack of support he gives me.

published by Lena on 2021-02-08 17:54:54

The twins will quibble for hours about what to watch on television.

published by Tatyana on 2021-08-22 05:03:06

During the debate, the two politicians will probably quibble over immigration reform instead of discussing an important topic like the economy.

published by Tiffaney on 2021-11-28 18:14:55

The billionaire did not quibble over the five-dollar service charge.

published by Natosha on 2021-02-10 14:08:35

As usual the city council members chose to quibble over holiday party details rather than deal with the city’s issues.

published by Bernardine on 2021-02-26 11:26:34

How long do you think the politicians will quibble over the budget proposals before they finally select one?

published by Dante on 2021-02-10 03:30:18

I decided not to quibble with the librarian over the ten-cent late fee.

published by Micaela on 2021-05-10 22:38:26

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