
Le sens du mot Ravenous est: very hungry


As a ravenous carnivore, Adam was sure that he would be able to finish the 4-pound steak in an hour.

published by Russel on 2021-12-02 13:40:26

The ravenous dragon flew low over the forest looking for movement that would reveal the presence of some tidbit to satisfy the rumblings in his belly.

published by Neva on 2021-02-02 01:16:13

Even though she felt ravenous, Scarlet allowed herself to nibble only the smallest portions of the delicious party goodies.

published by Antonietta on 2021-08-04 10:06:37

Sometimes children act out at school because they are neglected at home and are ravenous for attention, good or bad.

published by Marci on 2021-07-19 11:44:43

The stray dog was ravenous, and he gobbled down two bowls of kibble without pausing to take a breath.

published by Yoshiko on 2021-08-11 05:39:10

While the restaurateur understands that some diners have ravenous appetites, he refuses to lower his standards by making his business an all-you-can-eat establishment.

published by Willia on 2021-01-29 16:05:24

Despite her small size, Emma always seems to be ravenous, even after she has already eaten a sizeable meal.

published by Joan on 2021-05-20 21:24:01

If we hadn’t put up a high fence, our garden would have been totally demolished by the ravenous deer coming down from the hills.

published by Melda on 2021-08-24 08:10:05

No matter what type of stressful situation I’m facing, my body responds by eating everything in sight because of my ravenous appetite.

published by Shellie on 2021-10-05 22:24:16

Because bears are typically more ravenous after a season of hibernation, campers should be especially watchful in the early spring.

published by Waltraud on 2021-08-31 05:00:12

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