
Le sens du mot Reliant est: needing or depending on someone or something


The ill patient was reliant on his wife for all his medical care.

published by Shaunte on 2021-09-10 01:11:18

Although she hated being reliant on others, the woman was thankful for friends she could count on when she had a problem.

published by Margarete on 2021-12-19 07:10:36

After suffering from a stroke, the man was reliant on tubes and machines to stay alive.

published by Nena on 2021-06-20 00:21:59

The police are heavily reliant on witnesses, depending on them to call in the tips that solve crimes.

published by Renna on 2021-04-12 14:52:43

Becoming less reliant on her mother for money will make the college student more independent.

published by Lidia on 2021-04-03 01:58:50

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