
Le sens du mot Reunite est: come together or cause to come together again after a period of separation or disunity


Because the best friends were all attending different universities, they planned to reunite at their favorite coffee shop in four years.

published by Larita on 2021-04-18 02:34:59

After years of heartache, the separated couple decided to reunite and rekindle their romance.

published by Gita on 2021-02-21 06:16:53

Many die hard fans hope that One Direction will reunite.

published by Berna on 2021-07-30 14:03:27

Henry VIII made several attempts to reunite England with the Catholic Church, but after years of unsavory behavior and maltreatment of his wives, the Pope refused.

published by Babara on 2021-03-16 00:37:45

The pining women yearned to reunite with her former high school boyfriend at their 10 year high school reunion.

published by Tonia on 2021-04-09 23:21:29

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