
Le sens du mot Shyster est: a person, generally a lawyer, that uses fraudulent or questionable methods to do business


This lawyer is what we call a shyster, relying on underhanded and sometimes even illegal techniques to get results.

published by Milagros on 2021-09-02 08:10:57

Someone who practices a reputable business but uses questionable methods to do it is often referred to as a shyster.

published by Reynalda on 2021-09-22 21:29:15

My friend is definitely a shyster, as he really does provide answer sheets to other classmates, but the way he goes about it is definitely underhanded.

published by Telma on 2021-08-27 16:27:42

Carrying out a legal service by using illegal methods makes the provider a shyster, regardless of what business is in question.

published by Renetta on 2021-12-29 08:04:01

I hired a lawyer to help me with my case, but I’m fairly certain the sneaky tactics and questionable methods he is using to win the case make him a shyster.

published by Farah on 2021-07-31 08:09:47

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