
Le sens du mot Stodgy est: having old-fashioned beliefs and feelings


The stodgy old man did not believe women should work outside of the home.

published by Yee on 2021-01-20 06:05:48

As I looked at the stodgy committee, I knew the members would not be impressed by my unconventional ideas.

published by Judith on 2021-03-22 02:10:48

My professor’s pipe and outdated wardrobe gave him a stodgy appearance.

published by Tamie on 2021-12-13 06:56:49

In my church, the minister maintains the stodgy opinion women should not wear pants.

published by Clair on 2021-06-12 03:02:10

Everyone enjoyed the film about the stodgy minister who tried to ban dancing in his small town.

published by Huong on 2021-11-30 23:42:06

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