
Le sens du mot Thrill est: excitement and joy


The teenage girls were all smiles on their first road trip due to the thrill of the adventure.

published by Lanie on 2021-02-19 12:24:07

Even though screams could be heard from the roller coaster, every rider was having fun with the thrill of the amusement park ride.

published by Dario on 2021-03-10 03:25:21

“It was a thrill to hear the good news,” the mother said about the announcement of her pregnant daughter-in-law.

published by Gerald on 2021-03-30 11:03:32

As soon as the soccer team won the championship, the thrill of victory spread across their faces.

published by Verlie on 2021-10-18 09:52:32

During the high-speed chase, the criminal’s thrill of adrenaline trying to escape the police was stopped when he was arrested.

published by Stan on 2021-07-01 06:23:53

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