
Le sens du mot Togetherness est: the act of being together with or near others


Because it is so cold where they live, penguins like to practice togetherness, huddling up in groups to conserve warmth and protect each other.

published by Vanesa on 2021-07-16 16:15:53

Togetherness is a key component of a team, as a team cannot function unless they work together and usually stay together.

published by Mavis on 2021-03-28 20:17:02

A true family is grounded in togetherness, sticking together no matter what happens to them and always watching each other’s back.

published by Daron on 2021-06-09 15:36:48

Some people like to practice togetherness a little too much, always hanging around just a little too close for comfort and hugging me way more than I would like.

published by Jules on 2021-01-21 19:38:37

My dog is an especially avid practitioner of togetherness, choosing to follow me everywhere I go and never leaving my side.

published by Emelia on 2021-09-08 09:48:20

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