
Le sens du mot Unwarranted est: not deserved or justified


Although the punishment seems unwarranted, the mother has the right to discipline her child as she sees fit.

published by Eboni on 2021-12-03 15:13:27

Many believe the long jail sentence was unwarranted and should be reduced by several years.

published by Alisa on 2021-04-17 04:35:49

Even though it is an unwarranted fear, I am always afraid of fish touching me while I swim in the water.

published by America on 2021-11-16 02:14:58

Placing cameras in the bathroom was an unwarranted invasion of privacy that cannot be justified.

published by Hong on 2021-12-03 08:12:30

The man fought the unwarranted seizure of his car in court, with the judge eventually agreeing that his vehicle should not have been taken.

published by Sanjuanita on 2021-01-26 19:58:10

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