
Le sens du mot Vivisection est: purposely wounding or slitting open an animal in order to examine it for medical purposes


When the photos of the vivisection were posted online, many people were upset at the brutal nature of killing the animals until they found it was done for scientific reasons.

published by Sylvester on 2021-04-21 15:46:06

Animal testing using vivisection to determine whether they found a cure for cancer was agreed upon by the animal supporters even though the animals were clearly in pain.

published by Gil on 2021-03-29 04:03:47

Even though the dead cow’s body was used for medical principles, the vivisection of a cow in India is usually frowned upon by many citizens since Indians consider the cow sacred.

published by Ignacia on 2021-09-21 05:41:52

People were more upset with the vivisection of dogs than ants despite it being a hurtful but insightful process for medical scientists.

published by Toney on 2021-06-07 13:01:11

At first, people thought that the animals were being treated cruelly but it turned out that the vivisection of the animals provided valuable information to the medical field.

published by Charissa on 2021-06-16 03:55:26

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