
Le sens du mot Wax est: to expand or enlarge in appearance, amount or power


As she got to know the young man’s wonderful personality, the young girl’s love for him began to wax to the point that she could see marrying him.

published by Sherlene on 2021-02-07 16:49:14

When the population began to wax, there were fewer jobs and much more pollution in the city.

published by Lizzie on 2021-02-13 09:05:19

Fear in the child started to wax as the night got darker and he started to hear more unusual sounds outside his bedroom door.

published by Blondell on 2021-01-30 19:03:53

After the home team scored a goal during the hockey game, the cheers from the crowd would wax but would then wane when everyone calmed down.

published by Maple on 2021-05-09 20:53:49

Once I realized that I had put on so much weight and could not fit into my clothes any more, my desire to diet and exercise began to wax.

published by Willard on 2021-05-16 23:48:47

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