
Le sens du mot Whether est: expressing a doubt or choice between two different things


I’m not sure whether I should cook hamburgers or spaghetti for lunch.

published by Bea on 2021-11-28 00:45:09

These brochures on the Bahamas and Mexico will help you decide whether either location is right for you.

published by Melody on 2021-10-17 01:53:47

The senator will tell whether he will run for president or not by early next week.

published by Tam on 2021-01-26 20:03:39

Even after looking at the evidence, it is unclear whether the man really killed his girlfriend or not.

published by Taryn on 2021-07-18 02:34:11

Whether we go to the movies tonight or tomorrow, I know for sure that I can’t miss that film.

published by Chong on 2021-04-07 19:19:00

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