
Il significato della parola Brutality è: the act of causing or executing cruelty to someone or something


The ASPCA joined forces with the local police to stop the brutality imposed on innocent dogs run by an abusive and neglectful owner of a puppy mill.

published by Alesha on 2021-12-10 20:14:00

Due to the brutality suffered by the slaves at the hands of their masters, many would take the life-threatening risks of escaping.

published by Shin on 2021-01-18 09:41:07

Citizens were angered as they viewed the brutality inflicted on the protestors from the police officers using their batons to senselessly beat the picketers.

published by Jodi on 2021-08-17 19:13:54

Dr. Hemingway realized the brutality his abused patient had experienced due to the numerous bruises, lacerations and broken bones.

published by Emmanuel on 2021-10-22 07:02:34

Being exposed to the brutality of war with so many of his friends slowly dying in battle, the soldier suffered from PTSD.

published by Concetta on 2021-05-03 18:46:45

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