
Il significato della parola Game-Changer è: an event or idea that dramatically changes the course or process of something


The invention of the tank was a major game-changer for the face of war, which had relied on cavalry before troops were mechanized.

published by Angella on 2021-09-02 22:57:39

The invention of harnessed electricity was a game-changer for all of humanity, allowing us to power our lives and replace obsolete machines and substances.

published by Olin on 2022-01-04 01:13:15

The events of the Cuban Missile Crisis were almost a game-changer for the Cold War, nearly transforming the tense stalemate to a full-blown nuclear conflict.

published by Hassan on 2021-06-30 03:55:26

The use of plate armor in medieval combat was a game-changer, forcing weapons to stray away from noble blades and devolve into smashing weapons that could defeat new armor designs.

published by Paulene on 2021-02-11 23:57:46

Whoever invented the bow and arrow introduced the biggest game-changer both hunting and warfare had ever seen for hundreds of years.

published by Delmer on 2021-04-11 22:55:45

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