
Il significato della parola Hurting è: being in physical or emotional pain


Even though his knee was hurting, the runner pushed through the pain and finished his meet.

published by Leonard on 2021-06-04 20:54:01

Because my head was still hurting after several hours, I decided to take some pain relief medicine.

published by Debbie on 2021-05-03 07:33:54

The mountain climber wears a brace to keep his injured knee from hurting during his trek.

published by Larry on 2021-06-16 16:49:43

Even though his mother kept hurting his feelings, the young man could never stay upset with her for long.

published by Babette on 2021-03-26 00:15:57

When I burned my finger on the hot stove it started hurting right away.

published by Antonette on 2021-03-06 18:23:56

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