
Il significato della parola Illusion è: something that appears to look like something, but it actually is not


The mirrored walls in the fun house created an optical illusion which made it difficult to walk afterwards.

published by Olen on 2021-01-13 09:03:06

When looking at the illusion on the page, I saw both a woman’s head and a cat in the design.

published by Layla on 2021-10-10 00:09:44

Most art work in the gallery was a type of an illusion so that it would require the viewers to analyze and figure out what the artist was trying to express.

published by Eve on 2021-12-07 23:39:33

After stepping down the stairs, the bifocals created an illusion so that it looked like the step was closer than it really was.

published by Brad on 2021-07-18 01:30:21

The illusion of the house was designed so that people would think that the inside of the house was on the outside.

published by Florida on 2021-03-24 19:29:10

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