
Il significato della parola Mayhem è: chaos or disorder


During the busy holiday season, most of the stores seem to be in a constant state of mayhem.

published by Lacy on 2021-12-05 12:19:46

On the Fourth of July, the packed water park was a sea with mayhem and disorder.

published by Darryl on 2021-09-15 04:20:39

Mayhem filled the arena as shots rang out and people tried to escape from all exits.

published by Elissa on 2022-01-04 22:41:42

The playground was filled with mayhem as fifty students jumped and climbed all over the equipment.

published by Magnolia on 2021-03-16 12:16:43

After the war continued, mayhem ensued as the chaotic battles broke out.

published by Abbie on 2021-07-25 12:13:42

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