
Il significato della parola Panoramic è: having the qualities of a long scene or place in a picture


As my friend showed me his panoramic photo of the mountain, I could point out the entire mountain system and all of the valleys.

published by Leroy on 2021-12-19 04:04:42

As I stood on top of the mountain, I could spot seven different states from this panoramic view.

published by Louie on 2021-09-23 22:07:03

Reclining my seat back, I looked through the panoramic sunroof of my car to view the entire night sky.

published by Reba on 2021-11-20 11:36:50

Hanging on the wall was a panoramic frame showcasing the whole football stadium during the Super Bowl.

published by Malinda on 2021-12-30 11:12:45

The panoramic picture captured the entire essence of Rome’s Colosseum since I could see every aspect of it.

published by Cecilia on 2021-09-04 10:29:18

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