Political Machine

Il significato della parola Political Machine è: a political organization with a lead figure that receives the support of businesses and citizens during a campaign


The campaign group and all of its supporters for a President during election is considered a single political engine.

published by Chang on 2021-07-23 10:32:39

A political engine can be the typical government as well, receiving the support of the people during campaigns or other political moves.

published by Janice on 2021-11-01 20:49:16

A President must form a political engine out of his supporters and organization assistants before he can run for office.

published by Kimberli on 2021-06-21 19:53:55

Each President that had to run a popularity campaign before being elected put together a political machine of their supporters.

published by Grady on 2021-07-17 02:46:37

A political machine is made up of businesses and individual supporters that lend their support to the cause of their leader.

published by Denese on 2021-04-23 08:59:27

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